Download mafia 2 definitive edition ps4
Download mafia 2 definitive edition ps4

download mafia 2 definitive edition ps4

The magazine is on the ground between two shelves. While in the basement of the Office of Price Administration, check the storage room to the right of the room with the alarm cut-off switch. During the heist in the Office of Price Administration, take out all 3 guards and then search the front desk in the lobby. When entering Maria Agnello’s apartment, check the floor to the left. Just after meeting Derek at the warehouse, look outside his office by the floor. Instead, turn around and search the room connected to the three-door garage nearby. After first meeting Mike Bruski, you will be given a gun and told to shoot at an old wreck. When you go to Joe’s apartment for the first time, before leaving to meet Guiseppe, grab the magazine from the coffee table. Check out our Mafia II Trophy Guide for help unlocking the rest of the trophies. In this guide, you will find a detailed description of the location of all Wanted Posters and Playboy Magazines. Welcome to our Mafia II Collectibles Guide for PS4.

Download mafia 2 definitive edition ps4